Lash Artists Optimal Position: How Should You Sit When Doing Eyelash Extensions

Proper sitting posture is crucial for lash artists. As a lash artist, you spend long hours meticulously applying extensions, and maintaining the correct posture can significantly impact your overall well-being.

A good sitting position not only ensures your comfort during these extended periods but also helps prevent common health issues such as back, neck, and shoulder pain.

How should you sit when doing eyelash extensions?

L Curl LashesUltra Crystal Bond, Marlowe Tweezer and Malachi Tweezer used in this set. To shop, please click here.


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Here’s a guide on how to sit correctly when doing eyelash extensions:

How should you sit while lashing?

Straight Isolation TweezerPrecision Volume 90 Degree Tweezer, Gel Under Eye Patches, Ultra Crystal Bond, are Lashes are used in this set. To shop, please click here.


Choose the Right Chair

  • Adjustable Height: Select a chair with adjustable height to ensure you can work comfortably at different angles.
  • Ergonomic Design: Use an ergonomic chair that supports your lower back and promotes good posture.
  • Comfortable Cushioning: Make sure the chair has enough padding to keep you comfortable during long sessions.


Adjust Your Chair and Table

  • Height Alignment: Adjust your chair and table so that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle when you rest your arms on the table.
  • Eye Level: Ensure your client's eyes are at your eye level to avoid bending or straining your neck.


Maintain Good Posture

  • Straight Back: Sit with your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
  • Feet Flat: Keep your feet flat on the floor to provide stability and reduce strain.
  • Elbows Close: Keep your elbows close to your body to prevent shoulder and arm fatigue.


Use Proper Lighting

  • Adjustable Lamp: Use an adjustable lamp to direct light exactly where you need it without causing shadows or glare.
  • Bright and Clear: Ensure the lighting is bright enough to see clearly without straining your eyes.


Position Your Client Correctly

  • Head Support: Make sure your client’s head is well-supported with a pillow or cushion.
  • Adjustable Recliner: Use an adjustable recliner for your client to help you maintain the correct height and angle.


Take Regular Breaks

  • Stretching: Take short breaks to stretch your back, neck, and shoulders.
  • Movement: Stand up and move around every hour to keep your blood circulation flowing.


Use Tools to Assist Posture

  • Arm Rests: Use arm rests to support your arms and reduce strain.
  • Foot Stool: A foot stool can help maintain the correct posture and support your legs.


Keep Your Workspace Organized

  • Tools Within Reach: Arrange your tools and products within easy reach to avoid unnecessary stretching or twisting.
  • Clean and Tidy: A clean workspace helps you move efficiently and stay focused on your work.


Remember: Maintaining the correct sitting posture is essential for lash artists. It helps prevent injuries, ensures comfort, and improves the quality of your work. By following these tips, you can create a comfortable and efficient workspace, ensuring both your well-being and client satisfaction.


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.


The Bad Effects of Slouching for Lash Artists

Slouching is a common issue that can have several negative effects, especially for lash artists who spend long hours working.

Lashing Ergonomics


Here’s a straightforward look at why you should avoid slouching and the problems it can cause:


Back Pain

  • Increased Strain: Slouching puts extra strain on your spine, leading to chronic back pain.
  • Muscle Tension: Poor posture can cause your back muscles to become tight and sore.


Neck Pain

  • Forward Head Posture: Slouching often leads to your head leaning forward, causing neck strain and pain.
  • Reduced Flexibility: Persistent slouching can reduce the flexibility of your neck, making it harder to move comfortably.

Shoulder Pain

  • Rounded Shoulders: Slouching can cause your shoulders to round forward, leading to shoulder pain and discomfort.
  • Imbalance: This posture imbalance can create tension in your upper body, affecting your overall comfort.


Reduced Lung Capacity

  • Compressed Chest: Slouching compresses your chest, limiting the space your lungs have to expand.
  • Breathing Issues: This can lead to shallow breathing and reduced oxygen intake, affecting your energy levels.

Digestive Problems

  • Organ Compression: Poor posture compresses your abdominal organs, potentially causing digestive issues.
  • Sluggish Digestion: Slouching can slow down digestion, leading to discomfort and other digestive problems.



  • Energy Drain: Constant slouching can drain your energy, making you feel tired and less productive.
  • Reduced Efficiency: Fatigue from poor posture can lower your efficiency and concentration at work.


Poor Circulation

  • Restricted Blood Flow: Slouching can restrict blood flow, leading to numbness and tingling in your extremities.
  • Swelling: Poor circulation can also cause swelling in your legs and feet.


Decreased Productivity

  • Discomfort: The physical discomfort from slouching can distract you and reduce your focus.
  • Work Quality: Pain and fatigue can affect the quality of your lash work, impacting client satisfaction.


REMEMBER: Slouching has several negative effects that can impact your health and work quality as a lash artist. Maintaining good posture is essential to avoid these problems and ensure you stay comfortable and efficient during your work. Prioritize your posture to improve your overall well-being and the quality of your lash services.


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.


Exercises to Lessen the Damage from Bad Posture for Lash Artists

Maintaining good posture is crucial for lash artists, but sometimes bad habits can sneak in.

How can I lash without hurting my back?

L Curl LashesUltra Crystal Bond, Marlowe Tweezer and Malachi Tweezer used in this set. To shop, please click here.


Here are some simple exercises to help counteract the effects of bad posture:


Neck Stretches

  • Forward and Backward Tilt: Slowly tilt your head forward, bringing your chin to your chest. Hold for a few seconds, then tilt your head backward and hold.

  • Side Tilt: Gently tilt your head toward your shoulder, holding for a few seconds. Repeat on the other side.


Shoulder Rolls

  • Forward Rolls: Roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion 10 times.

  • Backward Rolls: Reverse the direction and roll your shoulders backward 10 times.


Upper Back Stretch

  • Wall Stretch: Stand facing a wall with your arms at shoulder height. Place your palms on the wall and slowly push your upper body forward, keeping your back straight.


Chest Opener

  • Doorway Stretch: Stand in a doorway with your arms on the doorframe at shoulder height. Step forward with one foot and push your chest through the doorway to stretch your chest muscles.


Cat-Cow Stretch

  • Cat Pose: Start on all fours. Arch your back toward the ceiling and tuck your chin to your chest.

  • Cow Pose: Drop your belly towards the floor and lift your head and tailbone upwards. Repeat this movement 10 times.


Seated Twist

  • Simple Twist: Sit in a chair with your back straight. Twist your torso to the right, placing your left hand on the outside of your right thigh. Hold for a few seconds and repeat on the other side.


Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Lunge Stretch: Kneel on your right knee, with your left foot in front. Push your hips forward gently, feeling a stretch in your hip flexors. Hold and repeat on the other side.


Shoulder Blade Squeeze

  • Scapular Retraction: Sit or stand with your back straight. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for a few seconds. Repeat 10 times.


Lower Back Stretch

  • Child’s Pose: Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and stretch your arms forward on the floor. Hold for a few seconds.


Arm Circles

  • Small and Large Circles: Extend your arms out to the sides and make small circles. Gradually increase the size of the circles. Repeat in the opposite direction.


REMEMBER: Regularly performing these exercises can help alleviate the damage caused by bad posture. Incorporate them into your daily routine to maintain good posture, reduce pain, and improve your overall comfort as a lash artist.


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.



Working on your lashing posture and positioning will allow you to work at a level where you can see everything without having to hunch. Make sure your body is completely at ease and pay attention to it.

We wanted to be in this industry for a long time, but then, we also need to take care of ourselves for us to have more productive and have creative work. We hope this blog helps you become more mindful of your posture. 


Let us know if we have helped you, and if you have any other tips that will help fellow lash artists improve their posture please leave a comment below.


Be sure to follow ThousandLashes on our social media - FacebookInstagramPinterest and YouTube for helpful lash tips and tricks. 


Anyone needing lash support or lash tips and tricks? Thousandlashes Lash Talk for Beginner Lash Artists will always be open for the kind of support that you will be needing on this lash journey. 


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.



If you want to learn and create a beautiful set of wispy lashes. We have a FREE Training Ebook just for you, please click here.

*Grab your FREE Training Ebook on wispy lashes now! ( limited time only )


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ThousandLashes team will do our best to service you with our high-quality products and best service.




A Comprehensive Guide To Lash Mapping: Learn why lash mapping is important to lash artists and how to choose a correct lash extension set for your clients.

How To Work Faster As A Lash Artist:  A Detailed video on how to speed up your eyelash application.

Best Lash Chair For Lash Artists: Let me discuss everything you need to know about lash chairs, each special feature and how should you sit when doing eyelash extensions.

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