The Struggles Of A Lash Artist And How To Overcome Them

Ever wonder what it's like to be a lash tech? Wondering how can a lash artist improve? We've got some news for you: it takes work.

It's not just the long hours and the constant hustle—though those are certainly part of it. 

Though the job of a lash artist is to make people feel beautiful, they often experience a lot of struggle. From dealing with clients who don't understand the process to handling the emotional toll of seeing their work fall apart after too many tears, the life of an eyelash artist can be difficult. 

If you're thinking about becoming one and want to know how to overcome the struggles with it, read on!

The Struggles Of A Lash Artist And How To Overcome Them

Promade Fans, Lash Wisps, Velour Lash Adhesive, Super Bonder, and Incredible Retention Primer are used in this set. To shop, please click here.


If you are new to photo editing and want some help on how to improve your lash photos, we have a Lash Editing Free Tutorial just for you! Please click here.


Lash artists are facing a lot of challenges these days. The industry is changing, making it difficult for them to keep up. Below are some of the biggest issues facing lash artists and tips on overcoming them.



You can't just open up your lash studio, get some lashes in stock, and expect people to come. You need to build your reputation through social media and word-of-mouth marketing tactics so that people know who you are before they enter the door.

There's no other way to put it: Competition is fierce in the world of lash artistry. So how can you set yourself apart from your competitors? How can you stand out as a lash artist from the crowd and ensure that your clients are returning for more?

And the answer is simple: by being consistent and providing them with a product they love.

Challenges of Being A Lash Artist and How to Overcome Them

Promade Fans, Ultra Crystal Bond, Super Bonder, and Incredible Retention Primer are used in this set. To shop, please click here.


But there are other ways around this problem! Here are some lash tips on how to get around them and make your business more successful:

Start your clientele by offering discounted services first. This will help you build a following and get more people interested in your services.

Have an online presence that's easy for potential clients to find. Offer many different ways for people to contact you—phone calls, Facebook messages, Instagram DM's—so they can reach out whenever it's convenient for them.


Learn more about Ways To Earn More Money As A Lash Tech


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.



How do you deal with unhappy lash clients? 

Clients are the lifeblood of any lash studio. Without clients, you're not going to make money. One of the biggest struggles for a lash artist is dealing with demanding clients. If you're not careful, these clients can turn your experience from a positive one to a negative one.

Clients can be difficult. They can be picky, they can be pickier, and they can be really really picky. Sometimes you'll have clients who are so picky that they don't even know what they want.

But you can do nothing about it because you're a lash artist, not a psychic. And it's not your job to guess what they want—it's your job to make them happy with the lashes they end up with.

To do that, here are some tips for dealing with difficult clients:

  • Be prepared for anything—even if you think something is going to happen, it might not.
  • Be patient—no one will love every single set of lashes ever made for them, but that doesn't mean you should give up trying! Sometimes people need time to adjust before they start loving their new look.
  • Don't take it personally! Some people are just like that—and it's not worth getting upset over or stressing yourself out over something that could always change in an instant (and maybe will!).

TIP: Set clear boundaries and stick to them.


Learn more about the 4 Essential Policies Every Lash Artist Should Have In Their Studio


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.



As a lash artist, one of the most common struggles is a lack of confidence in your work. After all, you're making something that other people will see and judge—and that's terrifying!

But what if, as an experience lash artist told you there was a way to get around this? What if we said there was a way to be confident in your art without being cocky or arrogant?

How can a lash artist improve

Color Lashes, Velour Lash Adhesive, Super Bonder, and Incredible Retention Primer are used in this set. To shop, please click here.


And the answer is simple: practice. The more you create and share, the more confident you'll become. But here's the thing—you have to do it with intent. You can't just churn out work and hope people like it; instead, think about what makes each piece special and unique to YOU. When you do this, it becomes easier for people to connect with your art because they see YOU in it. And when they see YOU in it, they feel like they know YOU better—and they WANT TO KNOW YOU BETTER!

So permit yourself to be vulnerable through your work. It may seem scary at first (and maybe even make you feel like an imposter), but once you get past that initial fear, the rewards are well worth it!


Learn more about How To Gain Confidence As A New Lash Artist


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.



If you're a lash artist, you know how it goes: you want more money, but you also want more time off.

And it's not just a struggle to get the rest of the world to understand that—it's also a struggle within yourself. Because let's face it, who wants to put in all that hard work and not get paid for it?

Lash Artist Struggles

Neon Color LashesVelour Lash Adhesive, Incredible Retention Primer, Super Bonder ,and Promade Fans are used in this set. To shop, please click here.


But the truth is, if you're going to be a successful lash artist, you have to be willing to sacrifice some of your time off to get paid more. You need to be able to work hard when the situation calls for it and know when it's okay to take some time off from your clientele.

Although there are several, they are not simple. All you need is patience and understanding for yourself and others (and maybe some chocolate).

The key is finding balance in your schedule so that you have time to recharge when you need it without sacrificing too much of your income.


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.



The struggles of a lash artist are real. Sometimes it can be challenging to find the balance between working and living. But if you're looking for a career path that will challenge you and allow you to grow as an individual, eyelash artistry is a great place to start!

It may seem like an easy job at first glance, but there's much more that goes into it than meets the eye. Becoming an amazing lash artist takes dedication, hard work, and determination.

If you're considering becoming a lash tech, don't get discouraged by the challenges you may face. Just remember that everyone goes through this and that it's not only part of your job but also your journey. We hope this has helped you in some way. 

If you want to know more about becoming an amazing lash artist or want some extra tips on overcoming the struggles of being one, check out our blog posts!



We hope you've enjoyed reading this blog! If you have any questions or comments, please let us know in the comments below.

We're also always looking for new content ideas, so if you have a topic you'd like us to write about, feel free to comment down below and let us know!



Do you find this blog post helpful? Have you learned something? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts. Don’t forget to share this blog with your lash friend.


Be sure to follow ThousandLashes on our social media - FacebookInstagramPinterest and YouTube for helpful lash tips and tricks. 


Anyone needing lash support or lash tips and tricks? Thousandlashes Lash Artist Facebook Support Group will always be open for the kind of support that you will be needing on this lash journey. 


For more tips like this one be sure to subscribe to our email list, we send very informative and helpful emails every week, please click here.


If you want to learn and create a beautiful set of wispy lashes. We have a FREE Training Ebook just for you, please click here.

*Grab your FREE Training Ebook on wispy lashes now! ( limited time only )


To purchase lash products, check out our website. SHOP NOW

ThousandLashes team will do our best to service you with our high-quality products and best service.



How Much Should You Charge As A Beginner Lash Tech: Are you just starting your eyelash extension career? Here's how to set an appropriate price for your work.

Eyelash Extensions Styles: Learn the different lash extension styles, which clients are suitable for that lash look, and what are the best eyelash extensions for every eye shape.

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